Inspire your team with an unforgettable experience

CODAME ART+TECH Festival [2018]
I sold my first software application when I was 15 years old, bundled together with my first personal computer (TI 99/a) to make enough money to live and study a year in high school in United States of America. This experience had thereafter a great positive impact in my personal life and career and it all started in Monticello, Iowa.
I dropped the University early to work as a consultant for Siemens, Telecom Italia, and the European Space Agency(ESA). Built software for Satellites, robots and space shuttles as my first job, it was a great start!
Back to school, at the Metropolitan University, London, England, I built a photo editing software application, as part of my final thesis for the BSc in Computer Science. This was before Adobe had photoshop as part of their Creative Suite. A project that enabled me to combine my passion for software, photography, art and design and landed me working in leading multimedia companies, such as Quark and Adobe.
After getting my Master in Business and Technology at UNSW Sydney, Australia, I eventually landed in Silicon Valley, worked for a start-up and decided to fund my own, CODAME is still his favorite stARTup!
I started CODAME with my co-Founder Jordan Gray in 2010 in San Francisco to fulfill my passion for exploring the intersection of art and technology. CODAME has been an opportunity to support, cultivate art, innovation and bring people together from different backgrounds and skillsets: Artists, Designers, Developers and Engineers using art, as a playful medium, to explore new tools, technologies, user interaction paradigms and meet some of the most amazing and creative people on earth.
I have been working at Salesforce since 2014, as a Director of Engineering. Salesforce is a great advocate for giving back to the community, supporting nonprofits, pioneers of the 1–1–1 Philanthropy Model, now adopted by so many other organizations. I feel grateful to be part of such organization, great team, and culture, at the edge of technology, innovating and still able to continue supporting CODAME and bring the spirit, experiences, and inspiration back to work.
Being a leader is to go beyond the obvious and look to create wider reaching impact that extends into the community.
Bringing people together from different backgrounds, skills, and passions is one of the major factors of success for any organization. For those same reasons, I encourage to bring your team, and a group of friends to our annual CODAME ART+TECH Festival [2018] exploring the theme of #ARTOBOTS through art, discussion, and play.
Inspire your team with an unforgettable experience. Register at with code CODAME-INSPIRE for 30% off five or more tickets.
Here the 3+ reasons for you, the team and/or group of friends to join:
Develop new skills at workshops enabling all levels of expertise to express themselves and building a Twitter Bot, Spatial Audio experience, Neural Networking Art or Fashion Technology piece.
Attend the inspiring talks during our daytime conference to learn and share with the brightest minds making sense of the rapid changes shaping humanity and your business.
Celebrate ART+TECH during the nightlife event with installations and performances that provide fresh takes on the ever more relevant spheres of AI, robotics, and automation.
All the above!
CODAME runs not for profit events as members of Intersection for the Arts a 501(c)(3) and all proceeds will be split with the participating artists.
Become a volunteer, join the team Apply to support our ART+TECH initiatives. It’s a fun and extremely rewarding experience as you learn new skills and pass your knowledge on to others. You’ll meet like-minded people, make friends and build a network of people from all backgrounds who share a common passion.
Thank you for your support for ART ♥️ TECH !!!